STG Vigor.
A vigorous material for stubborn surfaces.
STG Vigor is our solution to stubborn surfaces commonly found in the transit industry. Designed and tested to adhere to surfaces like ABS plastics, powder coated materials, stainless steel and other substrates that traditional vinyl has difficulty sticking to. STG Vigor is also well suited for vandal prone areas. The aggressive adhesive, combined with a radius corner, will deter vandals from peeling and picking at decals.
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STG Glow.
A material for dark and low light applications.
STG Glow is our high performance photo luminescent printable graphics film. Designed and tested for interior emergency signage, pathway indicators and other interior uses that require low light visibility.
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STG Slip Grip.
A textured material for slippery surfaces.
STG Slip Grip is our solution to transit surfaces that passengers and personnel need sure footing. Ideal for adding traction to areas like transit roofs, specifically places like emergency exits and AC units, wheelchair securement ramps, and passenger step-wells.
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STG Conseal.
The finishing touch for livery and striping.
STG Conseal is a paint formula used to minimize the visual impact of Sikaflex™ expansion joints that intersect striping and livery graphics. Available in stock colors and custom colors matched to new or existing livery and striping.
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STG Gone.
The perfect citrus-based degreaser.
STG Gone is our citrus-based, effective, natural, biodegradable degreaser. It is the perfect solution for safely and properly cleaning a transit surface prior to installing new or replacing old vinyl. STG Gone is extremely versatile and has a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating from the United States Food and Drug Administraton.
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