School is in for Seifert: The Cool Vinyl-Wrapped School Bus is here!

Take a closer look and you’ll notice something special about this adorable little bus. Sure, it’s got a great-looking paint job…but wait…is that vinyl?! Yup, that’s vinyl covering this treat for your eyes we’re calling The Cool Bus. Doesn’t it look amazing?! The team was just as excited when we saw it all come together.…

Designing with Ansi – Part 2

Transit vehicle and bus safety and caution decals

Let’s bother our ANSI guru again with some more ANSI questions! Safety decal design part 2! More excitement! More questions and more answers. This time we ask our guru some design specific questions on how we design using the ANSI Z535 standard. How did you choose the typeface for ANSI and what is it?The Z353…

Designing with Ansi – Part 1

Transit vehicle and bus safety and caution decals

Introducing ANSI via our ANSI guru. Safety decal design! Sounds exciting, right? Maybe not to some, but to us, it’s what we do for a living! But what makes a good safety decal design? What makes something “stick out” or “pop”? We sat down with our safety decal design guru and asked him the questions…